

ChatGPT won’t let you give it instruction amnesia anymore

ChatGPT won’t let you give it instruction amnesia anymore

OpenAI is making a change to stop people from messing with custom versions of ChatGPT by making the AI forget what it’s supposed to do. Basically, when a third party uses one of OpenAI’s models, they give it instructions that teach it to operate as, for example, a customer service agent for a store or a researcher for an academic publication. However, a user could mess with the chatbot by telling it to “forget all instructions,” and that phrase would induce a kind of digital amnesia and reset the chatbot to a generic blank.

To prevent this, OpenAI researchers created a new technique called “instruction hierarchy,” which is a way to prioritize the developer’s original prompts and instructions over any potentially manipulative user-created prompts. The system instructions have the highest privilege and can’t be erased so easily anymore. If a user enters a prompt that attempts to misalign the AI’s behavior, it will be rejected, and the AI responds by stating that it cannot assist with the query.

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